The MMP offers a series of documents to complement the MMP Database. The codebooks contain the list of variables and coding scheme used in each individual file. The appendices provide further supplementary information such as year of survey, state and place codes, etc. The questionnaires are the instruments developed and used by the MMP to gather its data.
Codebooks MMP174
The following codebooks are offered to accompany each data file available through the MMP website. All codebooks are updated with each new data release (unless otherwise noted). Release date: February 2021.
Household Level Questionnaires (Ethnosurveys)
Since its creation, the MMP has used an extensive ethnosurvey to collect its data. The following documents correspond to the six versions of the MMP survey in the same order they were used during fieldwork. Overall, the survey's main structure and subject themes have remained unaltered to assure the study's continuity. However, a few changes have been incorporated over time to allow for the study of emerging topics. These changes consist of a few newly-added questions, as well as questions that were removed from the survey for various reasons.